Selasa, 15 Desember 2020

 Paraller Structure

Parallel structure is a stylistic device, and a grammatical construction having two or more clauses, phrases or words, with similar grammatical form and length. 

Everyday Examples of Parallel Structure

The Ernes ran across the garden, she jumped over the plants.

parallel structure fluency in writing and enhances readabelity, as it uses petterns of words in a way the readers can  easily follow, and relate them to each other.

menurut saya Struktur paralel adalah perangkat gaya, dan konstruksi tata bahasa yang memiliki dua atau lebih klausa, frasa, atau kata, dengan bentuk dan panjang tata bahasa yang serupa.

Contoh Sehari-hari dari Struktur Paralel
Ernes berlari melintasi taman, dia melompati tanaman.

struktur paralel kefasihan dalam menulis dan meningkatkan keterbacaan, karena menggunakan pola kata-kata sedemikian rupa sehingga pembaca dapat dengan mudah mengikuti, dan menghubungkannya satu sama lain.

Sabtu, 21 November 2020

Saripah Aini

NIM. F1261171034

Akeelah and the bee


1. assertive


sensitive to surroundings


2. - Funnel = corong 

    -Acorn = Biji  pohon Ex

    - Emincnt=Terkenal 

    - carmagnole= Tarian Jalan

    - strew= Menaburi

    - Beacon Sular

    -Concierge= kepala patner/penjaga pintu

     -Sharpers= menaburi


    -euphoric= euforia

3. If I have a father like Dylan, I will be very depressed because of the many demands from him who always ask his son to do his best. He was so harsh in educating Dylan. fortunately Dylan is still sportive in playing.

artinya:  jika saya memiliki ayah seperti dylan , saya akan sangat tertekan karena banyak tuntutan darinya yang selalu meminta anaknya untuk melakukan yang terbaik. Dia begitu kasar dalammendidik dylan. untung saja dylan masih sportip dalam bermain.

4. Akeelah and the bee were able to unite all around her with honesty, hard struggle and compassion. he can unite his classmates and all of them are happy with the victory he got.


akeelah and the bee dapat mempersatukansemua yang ada di sekelilingnya dengan kejujuran, perjuangan yang keras dan kasih sayang. dia dapat menyatukan teman satu kelasnya dan semuanya gembira dengan kemenangan yang di dapatkan. 

Selasa, 20 Oktober 2020

 Nama: Saripah Aini

NIM    : F1261171034

Be Cereful of object prepositions

Preposisi selalu diikuti kata benda (noun), bukan kata kerja (verb). Kata benda tersebut berlaku sebagai objek. Kata benda ini dapat berupa noun (kata benda), proper noun (nama) , pronoun (kata ganti), noun group/noun phrase (kelompok kata benda), dan gerund (kata kerja yang di bendakan.

Silahkan teman-teman perhatikan kalimat berikut ini.

(After his exams) Tom will take a trip (by boad) =) kalimat ini mengandung dua object proposisi. Exams (ujian) adalah objek dari preposisi after.   Sedangkan boot (perahu) adalah objek  proposisi by.


With his friend_found the movie theater

(A) has

(B) he

(C) leater

Selasa, 29 September 2020

Nama: Saripah Aini

NIM: F1261171034

 Jenis-jenis subject

1. Noun-kata benda

the invatitatio makes me happy.

2. Pronoun- kata ganti (example : I, you , they, we, she, he, it, that, thase, those).

3. Grund-Verb-ing

Learning math is my hobby.

4. Invinisitive (To + Vbare infinitive)

To lern math is my hobby.

5. Noun clzuse

What you dad  has hurt me. 


1. to be+roun     it is a book

2. to be +            the gird is beatiful

3. to be+wa        the student are stutying

Jenis-jenis Verbs

1. TO BE

2. Auxiliary Verb

3. Action Verb/verb word

4. Modal Auxiliary

Minggu, 26 November 2017

Week 7 Dialogue script with your peer

NAME : MIRNA LESTI:F1261171019
               SARIPAH AINI:F1261171034

A: Saripah Aini
M: Mirna Lesti
Setting : [on the street] and at Cafe
Situation : Mirna dan Aini are old friend already a long time no see
                  Finally talk on roads and ended up in the cafe

M: hi
A: hi too. Who are you
M: I am mirna lesti from a small punggur .. what you have forgotten? You aini, right?
A: mirna? Which one. (a few minutes later) oh yes, I just remembered. Sorry ya mirna
M: yeah, where did you go for a long time?
A: hehe yeah, I have been in this village for several months. I returned to pontianak yesterday. By the way, you come from pontianak right?
M: yes it is. Which is famous for its durian and durian fruit. precisely in the back, kab kubaiaya.
A: oh yes yes mirna, I want to tell you about my experience while on vacation. Although the holiday is accommodated, but I am really happy because I was accompanied by friends Bantara
M: may .. how is your holiday experience this time
A: my friend and I were scouting our way to our village to share the sciences we got in the Boy Scouts to the children in the village and we helped the people who needed our help, we were all very happy.
M: oh how fun, if I had last holiday kesingkawang with my family. We got there by car. Understandably I can not walk if using a car. Yes I finally vomited. Good thing I got the bag and the medicine. Well, tips from me if you walk to a remote place using a car or bus, so essentially you are often dizzy and vomiting, do not forget to bring a bag to vomit and bring medications such as wind oil.
A: it's mir ... insyaallah I remember tips from you. Thanks.
M: oh yeah, if you're there you have the same frequency as anyone other than family
A: if I was always my best friend. His name is noviani tu good wawasannya wide and like to give me motivation. If you ?
M: if I'm on the back, because there's no more women like me just hasanah aja. He is my friend's true .. I consider him as my family too. Good guy .. just my eyes tuh he perfect
A: so sweet really
M: hahah .. ordinary. By the way I'm hungry ya ... better we relax in the cafe.
A: Yes
M: I want to order grilled chicken. What do you want to order?
A: I want to order satay. why did you order grilled chicken?
M: because I like grilled chicken ,. Because it tastes delicious ,, delicious ,, bener2 spoil the tongue. And I ordered grilled chicken this time because I have not been eating grilled chicken for a long time
A: oh bgitu. If I order satay. because it's my favorite ever. Oh yeah, you forget to order drinks ,, we can not eat without drinking.
M: im sorry aini ,. I forgot. OK. I will order dragon fruit juice .. just tell me you mo message what? whether the same dragon fruit juice or different. I still dragon fruit juice because the fruit just sweet let alone the juice
A: I ordered apple juice only
(After eat
A: already first, mirna. I stiil have a job. I go to first, ok
M: ok. Coution on the road


Senin, 13 November 2017

week 6 favorite traveling experience

Foto Fitri Anjani.

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb
Here I will tell experience the streets I or experience vacation me, I honestly baseball never walk to the city that much, I never the road to the city Nanga Pinoh and Pontianak that's it, because of economic factors also baseball allows also, but I have a dream of exceptional to the streets to a city with both parents me and my familly with the results of hard work me, because I baseball never walk out the city of here I am so very-highly motivated how my order to bring my familly streets out of town with the results of hard work me, at this time I was baseball can bring their holiday with the results of hard work me, therefore, I learned serious in order to meet the dream, insyaallah certainly can. I honestly confused want story experience vacation me in the cities that's because of city baseball foreign again in the listen by all of you. therefore, here I will tell my holiday with boy scouts. one day I and friends member scout down holiday equally, vacation not to the city but in a rural areas. we there baseball just off but we also share science to brothers in rural it, and we there have experience extraordinary, we are happy because of the people in the village of the many friendly and our arrival in greet with full of love by all society. we was happy to be one holiday in there and could share science to younger siblings, there we also help people who need help US,  wherever  we are very close to the people in rural it, and they are very pleased with the arrival of  US. we get there by boat, we are very happy. so many short stories of my experience. thanks you all wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Assala'mualaikum wr.wb
Disini saya akan menceritakan pengalaman jalan-jalan saya atau pengalaman berlibur saya, jujur saya enggak pernah berjalan ke kota yang jauh, saya pernah jalan ke kota nanga pinoh dan kota pontianak itu saja,di karenakan faktor ekonomi juga yang enggak memungkinkan juga, tapi saya mempunyai impian yang luar biasa untuk jalan-jalan ke sebuah kota bersama kedua orangtua saya dan keluarga saya dengan hasil kerja keras saya, karena saya enggak pernah jalan-jalan ke luar kota di sini saya jadi sangat-sangat termotivasi bagaimana caranya saya agar bisa membawa keluarga saya jalan-jalan ke luar kota dengan hasil kerja keras saya, di masa ini saya memang enggak bisa membawa mereka liburan dengan hasil kerja keras saya, oleh karena itu saya belajar bersungguh-sungguh supaya bisa memenuhi impian itu, insyaalah saya pasti bisa. jujur saya bingung mau cerita pengalaman di kota-kota itu karena kota itu enggak asing lagi di dengar oleh kalian semua. oleh karena itu disini saya akan menceritakan liburan saya bersama anak pramuka. pada suatu hari saya dan teman-teman anggota pramuka turun liburan sama-sama , liburannya tidak ke kota  tapi di suatu perdesaan. kami disana enggak sekedar libur tapi kami juga berbagi ilmu kepada adik-adik di perdesaan itu, dan kami di situ mendapat pengalaman yang luarbiasa, kami senang karena masyarakat di desa itu banyak yang ramah dan kedatangan kami di sambut dengan penuh cinta oleh semua masyarakat. kami pun senang bisa berlibur disana kami juga membantu masyarakat yang butuh bantuan kami, disanapun kami amat dekat dengan penduduk di perdesaan itu, dan mereka sangat senang dengan kedatangan kami. kami kesana menggunakan sampan, kami sangatlah senang. sekian cerita singkat pengalaman saya. terimaksih semuanya wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Foto Ayda Afriskila.

Kamis, 09 November 2017

video submission 2
NIM; F1261171034

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
"Tips so you guys do not gerogi when appearing to talk in front."
Well here I will give tips for you guys do not gerogi. when apearing to talk in front like during  speeches, speeches , percentages and other.
want to know tips??
1. take a deep breath then exhale or remove
2. prepare yourself thoroughly, which in preparation and also prepre the material that you will discuss.
3. enhance your confidence, which here is because if you are not confident than you will nerves and nerves it will distrupt all your thoughts and you become unfocused, it not the focus of our body would be so far away this thing because it very embarassing ourselves .
4. must be with a calm nature so that the audience who heard the material exposure in order to understand the material easily, if done with a baseball disembodied then the audience will be difficult to understand the material.
5. keep positive thoughts, prefix of our confidence, and positive thinking will be our motivation to be even better.
6. the last do not forget before doing any activity start with a prayer for us in blessed allah swt.
thanks for the attention  I say thank you very much for everything.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
"Tips-tips agar kalian tidak gerogi saat tampil bicara di depan"
Baiklah disini saya akan memberikan tips-tips untuk kalian, agar kalian tidak gerogi saat tampil bicara di depan seperti saat pidato,orasi, peresentasi, dan lain-lainnya.
mau tips-tipsnya??
1. Tarik napas dalam-dalam kemudian hembuskan atau keluarkan
2. Persiapkan diri anda dengan matang, yang di maksud dengan persiapan dengan matang itu adalah  persiapkan mental dan juga persiapkan materi yang akan kalian bahas.
3. Tingkatkan kepercayaan diri kalian, yang di maksud di sini adalah karena apabila kalian tidak percaya diri maka kalian akan nerves dan nerves itu akan mengacaukan semua fikiran kalian dan kalian menjadi tidak fokus, dan apabila tidak fokus tubuh kita pasti begegar jauhilah hal itu karena hal itu sangatlah memalukan diri kita.
4. Harus dengan pembawaan yang tenang agar audien yang mendengar pemaparan materi supaya bisa memahami materinya dengan mudah, jika di lakukan dengan pembawaan yang enggak tenang maka para audien akan sulit untuk memahami materinya.
5. Tetaplah berfikiran yang positif, fikiran positif awalan dari kepercayaan diri kita, dan berfikir positif akan menjadi motivasi kita supaya menjadi lebih bagus lagi.
6. yang terakhir jangan lupa sebelum melakukan kegiatan apapun di awali dengan suatu do'a agar kita di ridhoi allah swt. 
Terimakasih atas perhatiannya saya ucapkan terimakasih banyak untuk semuannya.