Minggu, 26 November 2017

Week 7 Dialogue script with your peer

NAME : MIRNA LESTI:F1261171019
               SARIPAH AINI:F1261171034

A: Saripah Aini
M: Mirna Lesti
Setting : [on the street] and at Cafe
Situation : Mirna dan Aini are old friend already a long time no see
                  Finally talk on roads and ended up in the cafe

M: hi
A: hi too. Who are you
M: I am mirna lesti from a small punggur .. what you have forgotten? You aini, right?
A: mirna? Which one. (a few minutes later) oh yes, I just remembered. Sorry ya mirna
M: yeah, where did you go for a long time?
A: hehe yeah, I have been in this village for several months. I returned to pontianak yesterday. By the way, you come from pontianak right?
M: yes it is. Which is famous for its durian and durian fruit. precisely in the back, kab kubaiaya.
A: oh yes yes mirna, I want to tell you about my experience while on vacation. Although the holiday is accommodated, but I am really happy because I was accompanied by friends Bantara
M: may .. how is your holiday experience this time
A: my friend and I were scouting our way to our village to share the sciences we got in the Boy Scouts to the children in the village and we helped the people who needed our help, we were all very happy.
M: oh how fun, if I had last holiday kesingkawang with my family. We got there by car. Understandably I can not walk if using a car. Yes I finally vomited. Good thing I got the bag and the medicine. Well, tips from me if you walk to a remote place using a car or bus, so essentially you are often dizzy and vomiting, do not forget to bring a bag to vomit and bring medications such as wind oil.
A: it's mir ... insyaallah I remember tips from you. Thanks.
M: oh yeah, if you're there you have the same frequency as anyone other than family
A: if I was always my best friend. His name is noviani tu good wawasannya wide and like to give me motivation. If you ?
M: if I'm on the back, because there's no more women like me just hasanah aja. He is my friend's true .. I consider him as my family too. Good guy .. just my eyes tuh he perfect
A: so sweet really
M: hahah .. ordinary. By the way I'm hungry ya ... better we relax in the cafe.
A: Yes
M: I want to order grilled chicken. What do you want to order?
A: I want to order satay. why did you order grilled chicken?
M: because I like grilled chicken ,. Because it tastes delicious ,, delicious ,, bener2 spoil the tongue. And I ordered grilled chicken this time because I have not been eating grilled chicken for a long time
A: oh bgitu. If I order satay. because it's my favorite ever. Oh yeah, you forget to order drinks ,, we can not eat without drinking.
M: im sorry aini ,. I forgot. OK. I will order dragon fruit juice .. just tell me you mo message what? whether the same dragon fruit juice or different. I still dragon fruit juice because the fruit just sweet let alone the juice
A: I ordered apple juice only
(After eat
A: already first, mirna. I stiil have a job. I go to first, ok
M: ok. Coution on the road


Senin, 13 November 2017

week 6 favorite traveling experience

Foto Fitri Anjani.

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb
Here I will tell experience the streets I or experience vacation me, I honestly baseball never walk to the city that much, I never the road to the city Nanga Pinoh and Pontianak that's it, because of economic factors also baseball allows also, but I have a dream of exceptional to the streets to a city with both parents me and my familly with the results of hard work me, because I baseball never walk out the city of here I am so very-highly motivated how my order to bring my familly streets out of town with the results of hard work me, at this time I was baseball can bring their holiday with the results of hard work me, therefore, I learned serious in order to meet the dream, insyaallah certainly can. I honestly confused want story experience vacation me in the cities that's because of city baseball foreign again in the listen by all of you. therefore, here I will tell my holiday with boy scouts. one day I and friends member scout down holiday equally, vacation not to the city but in a rural areas. we there baseball just off but we also share science to brothers in rural it, and we there have experience extraordinary, we are happy because of the people in the village of the many friendly and our arrival in greet with full of love by all society. we was happy to be one holiday in there and could share science to younger siblings, there we also help people who need help US,  wherever  we are very close to the people in rural it, and they are very pleased with the arrival of  US. we get there by boat, we are very happy. so many short stories of my experience. thanks you all wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Assala'mualaikum wr.wb
Disini saya akan menceritakan pengalaman jalan-jalan saya atau pengalaman berlibur saya, jujur saya enggak pernah berjalan ke kota yang jauh, saya pernah jalan ke kota nanga pinoh dan kota pontianak itu saja,di karenakan faktor ekonomi juga yang enggak memungkinkan juga, tapi saya mempunyai impian yang luar biasa untuk jalan-jalan ke sebuah kota bersama kedua orangtua saya dan keluarga saya dengan hasil kerja keras saya, karena saya enggak pernah jalan-jalan ke luar kota di sini saya jadi sangat-sangat termotivasi bagaimana caranya saya agar bisa membawa keluarga saya jalan-jalan ke luar kota dengan hasil kerja keras saya, di masa ini saya memang enggak bisa membawa mereka liburan dengan hasil kerja keras saya, oleh karena itu saya belajar bersungguh-sungguh supaya bisa memenuhi impian itu, insyaalah saya pasti bisa. jujur saya bingung mau cerita pengalaman di kota-kota itu karena kota itu enggak asing lagi di dengar oleh kalian semua. oleh karena itu disini saya akan menceritakan liburan saya bersama anak pramuka. pada suatu hari saya dan teman-teman anggota pramuka turun liburan sama-sama , liburannya tidak ke kota  tapi di suatu perdesaan. kami disana enggak sekedar libur tapi kami juga berbagi ilmu kepada adik-adik di perdesaan itu, dan kami di situ mendapat pengalaman yang luarbiasa, kami senang karena masyarakat di desa itu banyak yang ramah dan kedatangan kami di sambut dengan penuh cinta oleh semua masyarakat. kami pun senang bisa berlibur disana kami juga membantu masyarakat yang butuh bantuan kami, disanapun kami amat dekat dengan penduduk di perdesaan itu, dan mereka sangat senang dengan kedatangan kami. kami kesana menggunakan sampan, kami sangatlah senang. sekian cerita singkat pengalaman saya. terimaksih semuanya wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Foto Ayda Afriskila.

Kamis, 09 November 2017

video submission 2
NIM; F1261171034

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
"Tips so you guys do not gerogi when appearing to talk in front."
Well here I will give tips for you guys do not gerogi. when apearing to talk in front like during  speeches, speeches , percentages and other.
want to know tips??
1. take a deep breath then exhale or remove
2. prepare yourself thoroughly, which in preparation and also prepre the material that you will discuss.
3. enhance your confidence, which here is because if you are not confident than you will nerves and nerves it will distrupt all your thoughts and you become unfocused, it not the focus of our body would be so far away this thing because it very embarassing ourselves .
4. must be with a calm nature so that the audience who heard the material exposure in order to understand the material easily, if done with a baseball disembodied then the audience will be difficult to understand the material.
5. keep positive thoughts, prefix of our confidence, and positive thinking will be our motivation to be even better.
6. the last do not forget before doing any activity start with a prayer for us in blessed allah swt.
thanks for the attention  I say thank you very much for everything.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
"Tips-tips agar kalian tidak gerogi saat tampil bicara di depan"
Baiklah disini saya akan memberikan tips-tips untuk kalian, agar kalian tidak gerogi saat tampil bicara di depan seperti saat pidato,orasi, peresentasi, dan lain-lainnya.
mau tips-tipsnya??
1. Tarik napas dalam-dalam kemudian hembuskan atau keluarkan
2. Persiapkan diri anda dengan matang, yang di maksud dengan persiapan dengan matang itu adalah  persiapkan mental dan juga persiapkan materi yang akan kalian bahas.
3. Tingkatkan kepercayaan diri kalian, yang di maksud di sini adalah karena apabila kalian tidak percaya diri maka kalian akan nerves dan nerves itu akan mengacaukan semua fikiran kalian dan kalian menjadi tidak fokus, dan apabila tidak fokus tubuh kita pasti begegar jauhilah hal itu karena hal itu sangatlah memalukan diri kita.
4. Harus dengan pembawaan yang tenang agar audien yang mendengar pemaparan materi supaya bisa memahami materinya dengan mudah, jika di lakukan dengan pembawaan yang enggak tenang maka para audien akan sulit untuk memahami materinya.
5. Tetaplah berfikiran yang positif, fikiran positif awalan dari kepercayaan diri kita, dan berfikir positif akan menjadi motivasi kita supaya menjadi lebih bagus lagi.
6. yang terakhir jangan lupa sebelum melakukan kegiatan apapun di awali dengan suatu do'a agar kita di ridhoi allah swt. 
Terimakasih atas perhatiannya saya ucapkan terimakasih banyak untuk semuannya. 

Kamis, 02 November 2017

Week 5 Best friends(s) or clouse friends(s)

NIM; F1261171034
                                                                                          BAHASA INDONESIA

 Assalamua'alaikum wr.wb
Disini saya akan menceritakan bagai mana saya mengenal teman saya, saya mengenal teman saya ketika berada di sekolah yaitu madrasah aliyah ikhlas kotabaru. kami mulai dekat saat masa-masa persiapan untuk masa oreantasi siswa kami sama-sama menyiapkan barang-barang untuk masa oreantasi siswa tersebut. selama tiga hari kegiatan tersebut kami pun selalu mencari semua perlengkapan bersama-sama, kami pun satu kelompok di dalam masa oreantasi siswa itu. waktu kegiatan masa oreantasi siswa kami pun nginap di tempat salah satu teman kami yang rumahnya di dekat sekolah, kami pun berangkat dari situ. setelah selesai masa oreantasi siswa kami pun bagi ruangan ternyata kami pun di persatukan dalam ruang yang sama, dari itu kami pun mulai akrab rasa saudara sendiri, kami pun mencoba mengenal karakter dari kami semua. mereka adalah orang yang terbaik, mereka selalu memberi motivasi-motivasi terbaik, dan mereka selalu berusaha membuat sahabatnya tersenyum.

Bagaimanakah saya mengenal mereka??
kami berteman di sekolah, semasa kami berada di Madrasah aliyah ikhlas kotabaru.

Bagaimana bisa kita menjadi teman baik??
kami pertama kenal pada saat sebelum Masa oreantasi siswa , kebetulan kami pun satu kelompok.
kami membuat perlengkapan untuk Masa orientasi siswa sama-sama, disitulah kami pun mulai akrab, kami bercanda ria ketika kami membuat perlengkapan masa orientasi siswa, kami pun mengerjakannya dengan semangat. setelah masa oreantasi siswa kami pun ternyata di persatukan lagi di dalam ruang kelas yang sama, di situlah kami mulai mengenal kerakter satu dengan yang lainnya. setelah itu kami pun merasa nyaman dengan satu sama lain, kami pun menjadi sahabat sampai sekarang.
Hal apa yang saya suka dan tidak suka dengan mereka??
hal yang saya suka dari sahabat saya itu terutama mereka pandai menjaga perasaan teman masing-masing, suka memberi motivasi, hal yang sedikit saya tidak suka sama mereka adalah suka bercanda  yang berlebihan.

Harapan saya untuk sahabat-sahabat saya??

Harapan saya untuk persahabatan  kami selalu tetap bersahabat meskipun sudah pisah keberadaan satu dengan yang lainnya, bersahabat sampai akhir menutup mata, dan saya berharap persahabatan kita tetap kokoh dan tetap saling mengingatkan satu dengan yang lainnya jika ada di antara kami melakukan kesalahan. dan saya berharap kami semuanya sukses bersama dan suatu kelak nanti kami bertemu kembali dengan penampilan yang berbeda dan beribawa yang pasti masing-masing membanggakan kedua orangtua kami seperi janji kami dulu. mungkin sekian cerita persahabatan kami wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb

here I well tell how I know my friend, I know my frien when in school that is madrasah aliyah ikhlas beramal kotabaru. we begin to close during the preparatory period for our student orientation to prepare items for the student orientation period. during the there days of the activity we are always looking for all the equipment together. we were a group within the student orientation period. our student orientation activities also took place at one of our friends whose house was near the school, so we left. after the completion of the student orientation period for the room we were also in united in the same room, from which we began to feel familiar brother, we alsotry to know the character of all. they are the best people, they always give the best motivations and they always try to make his friend smile.

How do I know them??
we were friends at school, when we were in madrasah aliyah sincerely charicy kotabaru

How can we be good friends??
we were first acquainted at the time before the student orientation, we happened to be a group. we make equipements for the students orientation period together, that's where we start getting familiar. we joked fun when we made the orientation of student orion, we also do it with passion. after the orientation of the students it turns out we were in the union againt in the same classroom, that's where we started to know the characters with each other. after that we also feel comfortable. we became friends until now.

What do I like and dislike about them??
the things I like from my friends it's mainly they are good at keeping the feelings of each friend, likes to give motivation, things that I do not like the same they are joking excessive

My hope for my friends??
my hopes for our friendship have always remained friendly even though. they are separated from each other, friendly to the end to blindfold, and I hope our friendship remains strong and reminds one anotherif any of us make mistakes. and I hope we all succeed together and someday we will meet again with a different and authoritative apppearance that each of us will be proud of both our old parent as our promise was. probably so many stories of our friendship. wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb



NIM: F1261171034


Assalamua'laikum wr.wb
Di sini saya akan menceritakan makanan yang saya cicipi sekarang yaitu seblak komplit, seblak adalah makanan indonesia, umumnya adalah makanan khas dari sunda jawa barat yang bercita rasa gurih dan pedas, yang terbuat dari kerupuk basah yang di masak dengan sayuran dan sumber protein seperti telur, ayam, boga bahari atau olahan daging sapi, di masak dengan bumbu tertentu.seblak kini menjadi makanan jajanan jalanan yang di gemari berbagai macam kalangan masyarakat terutama di daerah jawa barat. seblak adalah makanan yang berstruktur kenyal ini memiliki rasa yang pedas dan menyegarkan , serta memiliki beberapa variasi, baik rasa maupun bahan tambahan juga kemasan. seblak memiliki beberapa menu yaitu seblak sosis, seblak ayam, seblak ceker, seblak bakso, seblak original dan seblak komplit seperti yang saya cicipi. dari segi rasanyapun memuaskan dan menyegarkan dengan kepedasan yang cukup menggoyangkan lidah. seblak di situ juga memiliki tingkatan level kepedasan dari level 1 samapi level 7 , waktu itu saya memilih level 2, meskipun level 2 kepedasannya pun luarbiasa. dan harganya pun sangat relatif terjangkau kisaran harga Rp 15K sampai dengan Rp 17K, harga yang biasa standarnya hanya Rp 15K sedangkan yang saya cicipi yaitu yang komplit harganya Rp 17K,  anda bisa menemukan makanan ini di BORNEO CRISPY BENANA dan di sana juga menjual crispy benana yang bermacam-macam menu nya, noodies,seblak dan beserta minuman-minuman yang bermacam-macam tempatnya di Jl. HM SWIGNYO NO 14M PONTIANAK.    BAHASA INGGRIS
Assalamua'laikum wr.wb
Here I will tell the food that I taste now is a complete seblak, seblak is indonesian food, the general is a typical food from West Java sunda tasty savory and spicy, made from wet crackers cooked with vegatables and protein souces such as eggs, chicken, nautical culinary or processed beef, cooked with certain spices. seblak is now a street food snacks that      various societies, especially in the area of western java. Absolute is a chewy structured food that has a spicy and refresing taste and has several variations, both taste and additional ingredients as well as packagin. seblak has some menu that is a sausage, seblak chicken, seblak ceker, seblak meatballs, seblak original and complete seblak as I taste.  in terms of rasanyapun... statisfyingand refreshing with spicinesss enough to shake the tongue. there is also a level of spiciness level from level 1 to level 7, that time I chose level 2, even though level 2 of his spiciness was extraordinary. and the price is very relatively affordable price range Rp 15k, to Rp 17k, the usual standard price is only Rp 15k while I taste is a complete price of Rp 17k, you can find this food in BORNEO CRISPY BENANA and there also sell crispy benana various menus. noondies , seblak and along with the various drinks place drink place in  Jl.HM SWIGNYO NO 14M PONTIANAK.

Selasa, 24 Oktober 2017


NIM: F1261171034



1. Officials
Answer: C. people appointed or elected to an office, especially as representatives  of an organization or goverment department .

2. Mayor
Answer: A. An official in charge of a goverment department.

3. Senators
Answer: A. Members of a senate.

4. Entrust
Answer: B. To put (something)  into someone's care or protections .

5. Interest
Answer: B. A share or a right in the ownership of a property in a commercial or financial undertaking.


Answer: 1. F
               2. F
               3. T
               4. F
               5. T

1. Local, state, and federal
2. The mayor and city council members pass laws
3.Health and safety of state citizen
4 The.President
5. It can print money, can negotiate with other counteries, and can declare war on another country


1. There five: 1 president
                       2 governor
                       3 regent
                       4  subdistrict head
                       5 village
3. I choose Bali, because B ali is a favorite tourist destinations  for everyone. the blend of natural beauty, culture, community friendliness, and culinary richness are the reasons I want to live there.
4. According to our group the difference between the U.S goverment and the indonesian goverment  lies in its system of government, the indonesian government system of pancasila (republic) which mean that everything within the territory of the indonesian republic is the property of the state. while the U.S government is a liberal system (perlemen) which means recognizing the right of ownership of every citizen of individual. so the difference is in the recognitions  of individual property rights and form of state.

Sabtu, 21 Oktober 2017

 Submission of video, video submission 1.

NIM: F1261171034
following a good study time
time certificate:
1. learning early morning hours 03:00 s/d 05:00
early learning such as 03:00 s/d 05:00 is a very appropriate time, for learners who like memorizing lessons. at times like this is usually a lessons. at times like this is usually a lesson or what we memorized can be quickly absorbed by the brain.
2. learning morning at 06:00 s/d 10:00
learning time like this is very good for the brain because usually we just wake  up and the brain is fresh-fresh to use so that makes us quickly understand with what we learn.
3. studying the everning at 18:30 s/d 21:30
studying the everning around 18:30 s/d 21:30 hours in use for reading and reading lessons, this clock is great for learning. at times like this or in islam between shlat magrib and isya usually parent tell their children to learn.
4. do not learn to stay up (not sleeping)
a person is usually too push yourself learn, its ordinary they do not sleep just to learn, this is often done when they are repeated in the next day. usually this way in call 1 with SKS. but this is certainly not good for them, usually when we do like that we sometimes hard to understand because of the drowsiness that always  haunts  us . not only that sometimes causes our heart condition is unstable later in the day, and staying up cause we can dizzy or other things. so sytai away from staying up in study or indoing the task.

Berikut waktu belajar yang bagus
waktu belajar:
1. Belajar dini hari jam 03:00 s/d 05:00
   belajar dini hari seperti  03:00 s/d 05:00 adalah waktu yang sangat tepat, buat para pelajar yang suka menghapal pelajaran. pada waktu seperti ini biasanya pelajaran atau apa yang kita hapal bisa cepat di serap oleh otak.
2. Belajar pagi jam 06:00 s/d 10:00
waktu belajar seperti ini sangatlah bagus untuk otak karena biasanya kita baru bangun tidur dan otak masih segar-segarnya untuk di gunakan sehingga membuat kita cepat mengerti dengan apa yang kita pelajari.
3. Belajar malam hari jam 18:30 s/d 21:30
Belajar malam hari sekitar jam 1830 hingga jam 20:00 bisa di gunakan untuk baca-baca pelajaran, jam ini sangat bagus untuk belajar. saat waktu seperti ini atau dalam islam antara shlat magrib  dan isya biasanya orang tua menyuruh anaknya untuk belajar. 
4. jangan belajar sampai bergadang  (tidak tidur )
se seorang biasanya terlalu memaksakan diri kita belajar, biasanya mereka tidak tidur hanya untuk belajar, hal ini seringkali di lakukan ketika mereka sedang ada ulangan di keesokan harinya. biasanya cara ini di sebut 1 dengan SKS. padahal hal ini tentu sangat tidak baik untuk mereka, biasanya saat kita melakuakan seperti itu kita terkadang sulit sekali untuk memahami karena rasa ngantuk yang selalu menghantui kita. tidak hanya itu bergadang juga menyebabkan kondisi jantung kita tidak stabil  di kemudian harinya, dan bergadang menyebabkan kita bisa pusing atau hal-hal lainnya. oleh karena itu jauhilah bergadang dalam belajar atau dalam mengerjakan tugas.

Kamis, 12 Oktober 2017


NIM: F1261171034

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb...
 as the initial introductions of my blog, I will tell my ambitions . my ambitions is very strong in my heart, I want to quickly finish  college by achieving the achievement  that is expected I will worship it for my parents. and I hope that with the passage of time I can pursue that target of scholarship, I will learn earnestly in other to achieve it. I really love my parents, I want to quickly finish college can help my pearents, in terms of  matarial although it is not much, I want to happy them with the  results of my sweat.  and hope I want to help my parents to educate my sister who is same as me, I will help my parents lecture my sister again. that's a hope both of my parents want to see her children equally successf. god willing I will hope that with my success and my sister we can together hel both our parents, so that both my parents, so that both my parents do not work during his old age, we who as his son is what gives a living for both parents we are in old age later. a hope that both my sister and I may become a dutiful child to both our parents. one of my happiness is to be able to make my parents happy, I really think very much about my parents, it's sad to see their struggle for their children, sometimes it feels like crying to see their sacrifice. the always look strong in front of their children, my main thoughts  are my parents, they are my motivation. my parents, are very meaningful in my life. if remembering the droplets  of their sweat that had been struggling for the seke of their children it feels sad  fast.   what I can do now is always pray for them hopefully they are in their health favor, and hopefully they are always brave with all odds, and hopefully they are always protected by allah swt.
 on my blog this, I will tell you what my dream 5 yearst ahead. my dream for the next 5 years I can already make my parents happy with the results of my sweat, and repair house for both my parents. and I hope to be able to serve both my perents. my greatest dream is to be able to bring my parents to the house of allah that is the ka'abah . I really hope that I can relize the dream. and I will  give business capital to my familly. hope in the future hopefully I can fulfill my dream it. I want to multiply the dreams, from a my  dream it is my prayer. so few dreams that I can put here, in fact I still have many dreams.

Rabu, 04 Oktober 2017

Under standing the American Education system, exercise part 1 s/d IV

I. circle the correct meaning for each of the following words in the passage

       C. A qualification given to a students after she/ he has completed her/his studies in higher education

        B. A series of lectures or lessons in a particular subject, typically leading to a qualification

        B. Control
        B. to show inferority

II. Decide Whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). correct the false one.

1. F
3. T
4. T
5. F
6. T
7. F
8. F

III. Provide brief answers to the following questions.

1. associate of Arts (AA) is they  will eam an Associate of Arts (AA) transfer degree and then transfer to a four-year university or collage
2. commonly known as prerequisite courses : lite lature, science, the social, sciences, the arts, history and so forth.
3. A major is the specific  field of study in which your degree is focused. for example, if someone's major is journalism, they will earn a bachelor of arts in journalism.
4. They will earn an associate of Arts (AA) transper degree and then transfer to a four-year university or collage.
5. collage or university study is known as higher education.

 IV. Reading discussion (Group Work)

1. The education system in indonesia is different from the American in term of structural , technological or other. Education system in indonesia in school must be in accordance with thwe time or age. when we do not understand a science but pass the exam then he will graduated but if in the united states. and also to move to majors in indonesia can not because it must repead from the beginning. but in the United states it is not so American frees to develop its ability freely, and American becomes an advanced country among other countries.
2. Achievenments that want to accomplish this year is to be an out standing student in the field of academic and non academic.
3. Which can be repaired from the indonesian system at this time is the book, the reason is because the book made by many authors of low kuality,. why it is said low because most people are diligent to make the book.  not clever but diligently he picks up and collects thevinformation here, but he makes iy incompatible with the standard of the book because of collectimg the marerials, and not besed on his thoughts.
4. Because social science is our ability and also in social science learn how to behave , interact, socialize, and opinion well, so we become human quality.

Jumat, 29 September 2017

Tugas Minggu ke-2 Miss Dini Haiti Zulfany M.Pd (say it with pictures)

NIM: F1261171034


Lokasi Jalan Jendral Achmad Yani kota pontianak

West Borneo provicial  museum is a museum located on the Achmad Yani general road, the city of pontianak east Borneo timur.  this museum keeps a variety of objects of historical value that exist in the province of wes Borneo , the tribe melayu , the dayak tribe and thionghoa . hour visit this museum that is on Tuesday-Sunday 08:14.00, Friday 08:00-11:00 and 12:30-14:00. while the national holiday is closed. the museum of west Borneo province was pioneered in 1974 by the west Borneo pronvincial office of Depdikbud through the rehabilitation and expansion projects  of west Borneo municipality Its functionalization was inaugurated on october 4, 1983 by the directors general of culture depdikbud , since then the museum of west kalimantan province in open for fublic. the land area of the museum is  3905 squere meters, while the land area of 28, 167 squere meters.

Musium Provinsi Kalimantan Barat adalah sebuah musium yang berlokasi di Jalan Jendral Achmat Yani, kota pontianak Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Museum ini menyimpan berbagai benda-benda bernilai histroris yang ada di provinsi kalimantan barat salah satunya peninggalan-peninggalan sejarah dari peradaban  beberapa jenis suku bangsa yang ada di Kalimantan Barat, Yaitu Suku Melayu, Suku Dayak, dan Suku Thionghoa. jam kunjungan museum ini yaitu pada hari selasa-minggu 08:14.00, Jum'at 08.00-11.00 dan 12:30 - 14.00. sedangkan hari senin dan libur nasional tutup. musium provinsi kalimanta barat di rintis   tahun 1974 oleh kantor wilayah depdikbud Provinsi Kalimantan Barat melalui proyek rehabilitasi dan perluasan permuseuman Kalimantan Barat. fungsionallisasinya  di resmikan pada tanggal 4 oktober 1983 oleh Direktur Jendral Kebudayaan Depdikbud , sejak itu Museum Provinsi Kalimantan Barat di buka untuk umum. luas tanah Museum ini  3905 meter persegi, sedangkan luas lahan 28.167 meter persegi.


  • Lokasi JL.Jendral Achmad Yani 

Berawal dari 1000 masjid, mujahidin menjadi masjid kebanggaan muslim kalbar, masjid mujahidin adalah masjid yang terbesar di kota pontianak. berdirinya masjid mujahidin pontianak empat tahun sudah pembangunan masjid besar, dan pada hari jum'at 2 oktober  1953 tokoh muslim ternama seperti Mr Sjafruddin Prawiranegara, Mohamad  Natsir, Syamsurizal , Buya Hamka dan Anwar Tjokroaminoto mengukuh dan membentuk yayasan mujahidin dengan para pengurus H Achmad Mansur Tharir (Pengusaha terkemukaka) Muhammad Saat Karim (Kepala Kantor Urusan agama kabupaten pontianak) Merah Kusuma Indra Mahyudin (pengusaha terkemuka), Achmad Mawardi Djakar (koordinator penerangan agama daerah kalimantan barat), Gulam Abas dan Muhammad H Husein (pengusaha) di kukuhkan dalam akta notaris. ke enam toko tersebut berbekal modal tunai 1000(seribu rupiah) dalam merintis pembangunan rumah ibadah yang akan di beri nama Masjid Mujahidin,  para pengurus berusaha membangun modal 1000 yang  di simpan di BRI pontianak dengan cara membuka kotak amal bagi masyarakat yang akan menyumbang dan subsidi dari pemerintah dan penerimaan yang lainnya dengan halal. di pilihnya nama mujahidin karena yang di maksudkan mujahidin  sebagai monumen perjuangan umat.  dan masjhid mujahidin pernah melakukan renovasi.

  •  MASJID BESAR MUJAHIDIN PONTIANA Started from 1000 mosques, mujahidin become mosque pride of kalbar muslim. mujahidin mosque is the largest mosque in pontianak city. the establishment of the mosque mujahidin  pontianak four years has been the construction of a large mosque. and of friday, october, 2 1953 prominent muslim figures such as Mr Sjafruddin  Prawiranegara Mohammad Natsir, Syamsirizal, buya hamka and anwar Tjokroaminoto estabilished and estabilished the mujahidin foundation with the administrators. H Achmad Mansyur Tharir ( aprominent businessman), Muhammad Saat Karim head of the pontianak regilius affairs office, red kusuma senses wahyuddin (prominent businessman), Muhammad Saad karim (head of the pontianak district religious  affairs office) red kasuma sensra wahyuddin ( The leading businessman ), Achmad Mawardi Dzakar (religious information coordinator of west kalimantan regional religious information) Gulam Abas and Muhamad H Husein (enterepreneurs) are confirmed in the notarial deed. the six stores are armed with 1000 (thousand rupiah ) cash capital in pioneering the construction of houses of whorship that wiil be named mujahidin mosque, the administrators tried to build the 1000 capital whick is stored at BRI pontianak by opening a charity box for the community that will donate the subsidy found from goverment an other acceptance halal.di select his name mujahidin because that is in the mujahidin as a monument to the struggle of the ummah. and the mosque of mujahidin have done renovation.

  • Lokasi Jl.Jend.Achmad Yani Bundaran Universitas Tanjung Pura
 The history of the monuments is written/monumen bambu runcing pontianak . monumen digulis /tapered bamboo located in the city of pontianak. Jl.Jend.Achmad yani university roundabout tanjungpura. the people of pontianak are more familiar with the monument digulis with the roundabout name "Bambu Pointed" located in an area of approximately 1779 squere meters (with a diameter of 47.4 meters). in the surrounding eleven bamboo sharp is also there is a garden that gives a cool feel. and because it is located in one of the main streets of the city of pontianak, this ragion became  a place as very strategic place. the existence of the monument digulis itself recorded began in the wake in 1986. di officially launched by the governor of west Borneo H.Soedjiman on november 10, 1987 at first formed eleven milestones resemble.

Sejarah Tugu Digulis/Tugu Bambu Runcing Pontianak. Tugu Digulis/Bambu runcing yang terletak di kota pontianak di Jl.Jend.Achmad Yani Bundaran Universitas TanjungPura. Masyarakat Kota pontianak lebih mengenal Tugu Digulis dengan nama bundaran  "Bambu Runcing" berada di areal kurang lebih seluas 1779 meter persegi (dengan diameter 47,4 meter). di sekitaran sebelas bambu runcing ini juga terdapat taman yang memberi nuansa sejuk. dan karena berada di salah satu jalan utama kota pontianak, menjadikan kawasan ini sebagai salah satu tempat yang sangat strategis . keberadaaan tugu digulis sendiri tercatat mulai di bangun pada tahun 1986. di resmikan oleh gubernur kalimantan barat H.Soedjiman pada 10 november 1987 pada awalnya terbentuk sebelas tonggak menyerupai.          

  • Lokasi Jl Sultan  Syahrir , Kotabaru, Pontianak Kalbar
Rumah adat dayak terbesar di kalimantan "Radakng" di resmikan Gubernur Kalbar Drs.Cornelis, MH. di hadiri ratusan undangan , baik lokal hingga luar negeri, rumah adat yang memiliki panjang 138 meter dan tinggi 7 meter itu akan menjadi pusat budaya masyarakat, terutama bagi suku adat dayak kalbar. Peresmian  tersebut sekaligus juga menandai di bukanya pekan gawai Dayak ke-XXVIII tahun 2013. Gubernur Kalbar Drs.Cornelis,MH,.mengungkapkan, Radakng tidak saja menjadi pusat masyarakat dalam menyalurkan aspirasi seni dan budaya kreatif. Rumah Adat Dayak Radakng yang baru saja di resmikan oleh pemerintah daerah setempat pada selasa (2/7) itu, terletak di kompleks perkampungan budaya Jl Sultan Syahrir, Kotabaru, Pontianak, Kalbar. penetapan rumah adat ini sebagai rektor dunia di harapkan Jayasuprana mampu mendorong rasa kebanggan nasional bagi seluruh masyarakat di tanah air.  

Dayak tradisional house in Borneo" Radakng" inaugurated the governor of west  Borneo Drs Cornelis ,MH. in the presence of hundreds of inivations of invitations, both local and abroad, custom homes that have a length of 138 meters and height of 7 meters will be the cultural canter of society , especially nagi dayak tribal customs. the inauguration is also marked intead of the week of dayak XXVIII devices in 2013. west Borneo governor Drs.Cornelis, MH. revealed that radakng not only became the canter  of sociaty is channeling the aspirations of art and creative culture. Daya radakng tradisional house which was recently inaugurated by the local government on Tuesday (2/7), located in the cultural village complex of Sultan Syahrir street, kotabaru, pontianak, west kalimantan . the establishment of this traditional house as the rector of the world in expect jayasuprana able to encourage national sense of nationality is still for the whole community of the homeland.

Senin, 18 September 2017

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Asssalamualaikum wr.wb
Let me introduce myself, my name is saripah aini. they called  me by name aini. I am the first of two children.
This is my big family, habits in my family usually every idul fitri and idul adha we always get together, I am very fond of them all. they are the most meaningful people in my life, even though our familly is simple but we have a strong sense of solidarity.

I was born in kotabaru 11 maret 1999. I am 18 years old.  I live in kabupaten melawi, I am studying in the university. My education history: I was elementary school in SD N 2 kotabaru kabupaten melawi, after finishing elementary school based on religion that is MTS N TANAH PINOH kotabaru kabupaten melawi, and then I went on madrasah aliyah ikhlas beramal kotabaru district  melawi .  I study at a University of Tanjungpura Pontianak. The reason I entered  the first college because my perents, second for my future.  The reason I choose IPS majors course is because since I was in high school I entered IPS majors and I like the lesson, especially IPS study program that includes all the lessons of social value. Plans after collage are devoted to society, because a student as a bridge for the community. my address is now the path Jl.H.Rais.Arahman Gg amanah no 34. my hobby are read the book, singing, playing game, playing badminton. my favorite food are are sate, meatballs, porridge spicy, fried rich, squeeze, somai, green bean porridge, yellow rice, cake kalepon, cake cheeese, cake chocolate.
my favorite drink are  mineral water, apple juice, avocado juice, ice tea, milk, cider green beans, ice millo, pop ice.
my favorite fruits mango,pineapple, wine, strawbery, apple,orange, bearing, corn, soursop. my favorite calour pink, tosca, navy, black, red, white, orange. I have one siblings who are still in lower secondary school. my name sister is selpi kadriah, my mother is siti halimah, my father is hatmolyakin,profesi my father is farmer, profesi my mother housewife.
Hmm, so many interoducition from me, I say thanks you very much.sorry if there are many shortcomings from me. I ended  wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.